Great Article about Digital Printing

wanted to share with you a great article from
titled "Digital Printing, Flexo Printing The Right Balance". It outlines
the changing nature of the business and the role digital prin
web, is playing in this transformation.
ting is
playing at TopFlight Corp. in Glen Rock, Pennsylvania. It also,
describes the exciting part hybrid printing, with the DICE
What is Hybrid Printing?

A hybrid printing solution is achieved by adding the DICE
web to
an existing flexo or offset press. You can get the best of both analog
and digital worlds, while making use of your current tooling without the
need to move jobs between machines. Print small jobs 100% digitally,
avoiding setup expense. Print larger jobs with traditional analog
process, except now with color variable data capability.
But don't take our word for it. See the what TopFlight Corp. has to say in
the article.